Yarker, John (1xxx-18xx), schoolmaster, arrived at Swindale on 1 October 1829 as schoolmaster, also farmer, until apptd master of Rawtenstall School, 25 June 1841, sold his household stock and turned his farm over to James Sewell on 13 July and sent his goods via Kendal to Rawtenstall on 24 July 1841, kept diary of everyday life from 1840 to 1844

Yarker, John (1833-1913), antiquary and freemason, born at Swindale, Shap, 17 April 1833, son of above, later of Withington, Manchester, supplied father’s diary and other local information to Joseph Whiteside (qv) for his history of Shap, author of Genealogy of the Surname Yarker (privately printed by Petty & Co, Manchester, 1882), a lifetime freemason, est the Sovereign Sanctaury of the Ancient and Primitive Rite, became International Grand Master in 1902, died Withington; the suggestion arises that he may have been an occultist

Yates, Charles (1728-1809), cleric, son of the Rev FrancisYates (1699-1762) of Whitehaven and Gargrave and Anne Orfeur, brother of Rev Lowther Yates (qv), emigrated to America and was involved in the Revolution, giving ‘patriotic service’, buried Masonic Cemetery Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, Virginia, described as ‘hospitable, charitable and benevolent, just and of the strictest probity’, held property in England and America, his executor in England was the Rev Richard Matthews of Wigton; Spotsylvania Co. Records, 351

Yates, Christopher (16xx-1692), clergyman, curate of Thrimby, pupil of Thomas Lawson at his Great Strickland school, marr (21 May 1687, secretly) Ruth (bapt 17 February 1660), eldest dau of Thomas Lawson (qv; ODNB), 1 son (Thomas, d. inf February 1689) and 2 daus (Frances and Jane), initially rejected by his father-in-law, but later accepted and was bequeathed his Hebrew lexicon, Camden Britannia and all his mss, buried (as ‘Mr Christopher Yaits’) at Morland, 22 April 1692; his widow marr 2nd (7 June 1694) John Ayrey (qv)

Yates, Frederic (1854-1919), artist, painted portrait of Mary Armitt, following sittings became a friend of President Woodrow Wilson (qv), he is said to have been given Wilson’s presidential flag from the inauguration (PLA, 104-105), member of Lake Artists; Renouf , 60

Yates, Jane (c.1806-1862), benefactor, eldest dau and co-heiress of Thomas Yates, of Irwell House, Lancs, first cousin of Sir Robert Peel, and sister of Sarah, wife of E G Hornby (qv), lived at The Wood, Windermere, gave £1000 towards providing a parsonage house for St Mary’s (with £600 from Ecclesiatical Commissioners), member of ladies committee apptd to assist in visitation and management of St Mary’s girls’ and infants’ schools, Applethwaite, in September 1855, deeply involved with welfare of school, with her sister donating cost of extending second schoolroom to accommodate 70 children in her memory, died 12 July 1862, aged 56

Yates, Lowther (d.1798), cleric, b.Whitehaven, son of the Rev Francis Yates of Whitehaven and Gargrave and his wife Anne Orfeur, brother of the Rev Charles Yates (qv) who went to America, educ St Catherine’s College, Cambridge, tutor and later master of St Catherine’s College, Cambridge 1779-1798 and vice chancellor, d. Wigton

Yates, Mary (d.1974), artist, daughter of Fred Yates, member of the Lake Artists for fifty years; Renouf, 80-81

Yates, Richard (17xx-1781), MA, schoolmaster, educ Queen’s College, Oxford (MA), apptd master of Appleby Grammar School 1 June 1723, taught the Washingtons (qv), died in office, 31 December 1781

Yates, W V (18xx-19xx), headmaster of Windermere Grammar School 1873-1891, succ by E Mears (qv)

Yeadon, Dick (18xx-1938), artist, secretary of Kendal Art Society, marr 1922, of 20 Ann Street, Kendal, memorial exhibition 1938 (papers in CRO, WDX 1464; Kendal Art Society papers, WDSo 363)

Yeamans, Isabel (1637x42-1704; ODNB) (nee Fell), quaker preacher, born Swarthmoor Hall

Yeamans Henderson, Maud, dau of Lt Col Sir Edmund, marr Robert Slack of Derwent Hill Keswick, son of Robert Slack MD; Hud (C)

Yeates, Anthony (c.1744-1837), eldest son of John Yeates (qv), of Kirkland, and Collinfield, purchased Park Head, with Mill Flatts, in manor of Levens, from Richard Burn, gent, of Duke Street, St Margaret, Westminster (formerly estate of Christopher Beck, gent, who had willed it to Burn), for £950 on 13 May 1788, distributed interest of money from Whitehead’s Gift (£45) to poor of Kirkland at his own house on St Peter’s day (coats no longer being given away), also had sum of £17 from his father for distribution of interest (17s.) to settled poor of Kirkland on All Saints’Day in sums of 1s. and 2s. each, also assumed responsibility with his brothers from his father of distributing two burgage rents in Kirkland (5s 2d. and 10s. 4d.) to poor of Kirkland on Good Friday at least up to year before CC visit (in October 1821 when the Messrs Yeates were said to be ‘considerably advanced in age’), Collinfield surveyed in April 1823 (estate plan in CRO, WDX 741/1), purchased property in Beathwaite Green from John Harling for £400 and from Christopher Philipson in 1826 (deeds in CRO, WDX 416/1/13-14; estate map of 1823 showing lands purchased (WDX 741/2), also had estate of Belah Bridge in Brough Sowerby (estate plan survey in 1824 (WDX 741/3), said to have had Romney paintings at Collinfield in 1822 (A Kidson catalogue), died 31 January 1837, aged 93, and buried at Kendal, 6 February (CCR, 59-60); [Poor Stock Charity money distributed by vicar, Edward Wilson and Mr Bindloss, who were appointed trustees of the charity after his death, with money (£17) in hands of Reveley, one of trustees of A Yeates, who paid the interest to the trustees]

Yeates, George (c.1749-1835), gentleman, of Kirkland, prob son of John and brother of Anthony Yeates, buried at Kendal, 27 August 1835, aged 86

Yeates, George Henry Brettargh (1841-1875), born in Frankfurt in 1841, yst son of John Yeates, formerly Richards (qv), and his wife Margaretta (nee Brettargh), while his parents were travelling on continent, having just met up with George Webster (qv), a distant relation, lost both parents in 1847 at age of six, erected memorial window to them in Holy Trinity, Kendal in 1865, also owned High Cark Hall, Cartmel, previously belonging to Atkinson family of Longlands, and Belah Bridge Farm, Kirkby Stephen, which was sold by auction on 26 August 1872 (CRO, WST/1/box 4), marr Caroline Beatrice, 1 son (C E B infra), of Brettargh Holt, Levens (built in 1871), where he died 18 October 1875, aged 34, and buried at Heversham, 21 October; his widow placed memorial brass tablet to him under window to his parents in Holy Trinity, Kendal in 1878, and married again in September 1878 to William Bridges Webb; will made 10 March 1875 and proved at Carlisle on 19 November 1875, with his widow and Daniel Harrison (d.1878) as executors, later W H Wakefield in 1878-79, then Charles Webb from 1879 until his death in 1892 (copy abstract of 1919 in CRO, WDX 416/2/11)

Yeates, Cyril Ernest Brettargh (1875-1950), bapt at Kendal Holy Trinity, 18 August 1875, only son of G H B and C B Yeates, was of 21 Talbot Square, Hyde Park, London, when qualified as parish elector in Kirkland, Kendal (for 30, 32, 34 and 36 Kirkland) in 1901, then of 12 Maudeville Place, London, for 34 and 36 Kirkland (1912), marr (9 November 1911, at St James, Spanish Place, London) Gretta Wright, 1 dau (Margaretta Mary B, born in Marylebone, 14 November 1914, marr (Oct/Dec 1939) Richard H Turner, 4 sons and 2 daus, died at Bridport, Dorset in 1988), sold his property in Kirkland and Levens in 1919 (sale partics in CRO, WDB 35/SP 92), died in Kensington in 1950

Yeates, John (c.1716-1811), tanner, marr Mary (died 8 March 1798, aged 85), dau of Richard Wilson, of Black Hall, Kendal, 4 sons (Anthony (died 31 January 1837, aged 93, qv), William (died 16 March 1819, aged 73), Richard (died 1 March 1827, aged 79), and George (died 21 August and buried 27 August 1835, aged 86) and 1 dau (Agnes, died 25 November 1827, aged 76), purchased Collinfield from George Sedgwick, nephew of George Sedgwick (qv), for £680, subject to customary rent of £1. 18s. 4d. to Nethergraveship in 1747, apptd a trustee of Whitehead’s Gift (for poor of Kirkland) by Daniel Stephenson, only other living trustee, on 4 May 1752, who paid over £45 to him, and he [JY] died ‘about ten years ago [1811], at a very advanced age, having made no new appointment of trustees’, after which his sons acted in disposition of the charity (CCR, 59), died 2 November 1811, aged 95; will proved 1812 (LRO) (KK, 192) Yeates family papers 1664-1896 (CRO, WD Ye); Mary Yeates, spinster, of Kirkland, Kendal, buried at Kendal, 14 June 1839, aged 75 – rel to ?

Yeates, John (formerly Richards) (1796-1847), JP, mayor of Kendal, of Kirkland, Kendal and Park Head, Levens, born in 1796, son of xxx Richards and grandson of Thomas Yeates (qv), town clerk, co-heir (with R H M Michaelson, qv sub Yeates) to estate of Anthony Yeates (qv) in 1837 on condition of assuming name of Yeates, elected first mayor of reconstituted borough after municipal corporations Act 1835, January to November 1836, married (182x) Margaretta Brettargh (1802-1847), 4 sons (John Yeates Yeates (1826-1860) of Park Head, Levens (buried at Heversham, 26 July 1860, aged 34), a 2nd son (William, below?), Anthony George (died 25 November 1837, aged 7, and buried at Kendal, 30 November), and George Henry Brettargh Yeates (1841-1875) of Brettargh Holt, Levens, qv), had George Webster rebuild 34-36 Kirkland for him, ‘a modern house in the Elizabethan style’ (projecting gable with barge boards and a reset 1563 datestone, mullioned windows with drip moulds and some ironwork surviving over door) in c.1840, frequent visitor to Dallam Tower (Mr Wilson said to have given the iron railings in front of No.30 Kirkland), also had Webster make alterations to Park Head, Levens (inc fine barge-boarded porch), c.1840, met Webster in Frankfurt in 1841 where Mrs Yeates had just given birth to a son (G H B), the families being related, died at Park Head, 23 December 1847, aged 51, and buried with wife in Heversham churchyard, 28 December, she having died in September 1847 and buried 4 October; memorial window erected to both in south aisle of Holy Trinity church, Kendal by their yst son (G H B) in 1865 (papers in CRO, WDX 1132); portrait above bench in court-loft of old Moot Hall, Kendal (KK, 292) (KK, 167-168, 246; WoK, 69, 81, 117); ‘The pictures which this house formerly contained have been removed to Park Head, the residence of John Y Yeates, Esq’ (Whellan (1860), 856); William Yeates, of Park Head, Levens, buried at Heversham, 1 January 1863, aged 33; John Anthony Yeates, of Park Head, buried at Heversham, 14 February 1860, aged six months

Yeates, Joseph Simpson (18xx-19xx), JP, CA, clockmaker and silversmith, founder of the National Association of Retail Jewellers, local councillor, alderman of Cumberland County Council, member of Penrith Urban District Council (North Ward), presented a gold enamelled badge, incorporating the ancient seal and device of the town of Penrith, to Council in 1937 to mark Coronation Year, to be worn on all official occasions by future chairmen of UDC, also gave cost of laying out gardens at rear of Town Hall in commemoration of Coronation, JP for Penrith Division, established Penrith Music Society and Penrith Swimming Club, of Lorne House, Penrith (1906), of Montagu Villa, Brougham Street, Penrith (1921), of Skiddaw Grove, Penrith (1938); CW3 xx 207

Yeates, Robert Henry Machell Michaelson- (1815-1901), gentleman, born at Lancaster, 16 November 1815, 2nd son of Robert Michaelson (1792-1822), of the Isle of Barrow (now Barrow Island), and his wife, Millicent (d.1822), dau of John Satterthwaite, of Rigmaden Park, and the great great grandson of Henry Michaelson, of Greenbank, and his wife, Elizabeth Yeates, educ Sedbergh School (entd January 1830, aged 14, left in June 1835) and St John’s College, Cambridge, but did not graduate, took name and arms of Yeates in 1837 under will of Anthony Yeates (qv), of Kirkland, Kendal, as co-heir with John Richards (qv), marr (1841) Margaret (or Elizabeth?) Scowcroft, of Haverfordwest, 2 sons (Captain Robert M-Y, 58 in 1901, died in 1902, and Thomas Scowcroft, born 1847, went to Bengal and had 6-8 children there between 1883 and 1901, his wife and 3 children returning to England, living at Kent’s Bank in 1911) and 2 daus (Millicent Satterthwaite, 55 in 1901, wife of M J B Baddeley (qv), and Agnes, 49 in 1901), freehold owner of Collinfield, but listed with his daughters as lodging with Mrs Dobson, of New Hall Bank, Bowness in 1875-77 (7 July to 20 October 1875 (Misses Yeates only), 24 May to 28 October 1876 and 19 May to 28 July 1877, LC) and still living at New Hall Bank, Bowness in 1886, then (or the same?) at Olive Mount, Bowness-on-Windermere, where he died, aged 85, and buried in Bowness old cemetery, 5 April 1901 (SSR, 187); Ann Raymond Michaelson Yeates, spinster, of Olive Mount, buried in Bowness old cemetery, 18 March 1901, aged 51 – his dau? ; Thomas Scowcroft Michaelson Yeates (c.1870-1923), born at Llandeloy, Pembrokeshire in c. 1870, aged 41 in 1911, nephew of Thomas Scowcroft Michaelson Yeates (supra), marr (1901, at Marylebone) wife from Bengal, India, of The Rockery, Merthyr, owned freehold farm and buildings at Collinfield in 1912, died at Billericay, Essex, in 1923; [Thomas Michaelson Machell, of Staveley, buried at Staveley-in-Cartmel, 17 April 1867, aged 41 – prob = Thomas father below; Thomas Michaelson, son of Thomas Michaelson Machell, Esq, and Martha, his wife, bapt at Staveley-in-Cartmel, 25 September 1860; James, bapt 15 August 1861; Rosetta Martha, bapt 3 December 1863; and John, bapt 3 February 1867; Thomas Michaelson Machell, of Milnthorpe, buried at Staveley-in-Cartmel, 31 October 1885, aged 27 – prob = Thomas son above]; School chapel built at Newbarns in 1843 on land conveyed by Edward Lesh and wife Jane to T Y P Michaelson of Barrow Island [who is he?]

Yeates, Thomas (1732-1791), town clerk, bapt at Kendal, May 1732, yst son of Anthony Yeates (1702-1775), tanner, of the Hall, Old Hutton, and of Mary (1703-1787) (nee Towenson), marr Dorothy (died 30 October 1784, aged 45), dau of George Fell and his wife Mary, 3 sons (James, William, and Edward (died 22 September 1790, aged 19), all buried at Holy Trinity, Kendal) and 2 daus (Elizabeth and Mrs Richards), town clerk of Kendal, pres the same Thomas Yeates who had release of estates of Guards and Sykeside in Over Hartsop, Patterdale from Thomas Strickland, mariner, on 28 February 1764 (deeds in CRO, WDX 124/T14), died 16 September 1795 (?), aged 59, and buried at Kendal, September 1791

Yeats, Edward (1781-1830), MA, clergyman, born 15 August 1781, only son of John Yeats (qv), educ Hawkshead Grammar School and Trinity College, Cambridge (entd 28 June 1797, BA 1802, MA 1805, fellow 1804, senior fellow by 1829), d. 1806 and p. 1807 (Peterborough), officiated at sister Jennet’s marriage to Revd Joseph Thexton (qv) at Beetham in 1818, unmarried, died at Ashton House, Beetham, aged 48, and buried at Beetham, 27 May 1830 (VAC, II, vi, 613a; CW3, viii, 100)

Yeats, John (1732-1813), merchant, bapt 19 November 1732 at Beetham, yr son and yst child of William Yeats (bapt 24 June 1694, marr 14 April 1719 at Beetham, buried 31 January 1770/71), of Nether Leck, Tunstall parish, and Agnes (bapt 24 September 1693, dau of John Johnson, who built Ashton House, Beetham in 1678, (not Dickinson as in PR) and buried at Beetham, 12 March 1759, aged 66), his sister Mary (1720-1808) was wife of Thomas Cartmell, of Farleton, marr (17xx) Sarah (died 3 September 1822, aged 81, dau of John Benson (1703-1781), who bought Ashton House in 1763), 1 son (Edward, qv) and 2 daus (Jennet (qv sub Joseph Thexton) and Mary, born 28 June 1784, died 21 December 1810, aged 26), merchant in Liverpool, later returned to Beetham where he died, 5 April 1813, aged 79 (pedigree in CRO, WDX 1596)

Yeats, Thomas Pattinson FRS (1745-1782), naturalist, son of Thomas and Ann Pattinson of Carlisle, his father was twice mayor of Carlisle, educ Carlisle GS, in business with his father in arranging leases and rent gathering, further education at Leiden paid for by the 3rd duke of Portland a political ally of his father against the Lowther interest, studied law but returned to Carlisle with an interest in entymology, wrote Institutions of Entymology (1777),  elected FRS in 1781 but drowned at Liverpool in 1782; CWAAS newsletter Autumn 2022, 12-13

Yee, Chiang (1903-1977), teacher, editor and writer, b Jinjang, China, graduated Kanjung university, taught chemistry, lectured at Chengchi university, marr Tseng Yun, 4 children,  editor newspaper at Hangzhou, to the UK in 1933, left family behind, MSc at LSE, taught at the School of Oriental Studies, London, author of The Chinese Eye, Chinese Calligraphy: An Introduction to its aesthetics and techniques, and The Silent Traveller: A Chinese Artist in Lakeland (1937), (with preface by Herbert Read), The Silent Traveller in London (1938), The Silent Traveller in Oxford (1945), hi publications illustrated by his own wash drawings

Yeomans (nee Fell), Isabel (1637x42-1704; ODNB), quaker preacher, b Swarthmoor Hall, 3rd child of Thomas Fell (b.1599; qv)

Young, Arthur (1741-1820; ODNB), FRS, agricultural reformer and writer, author of A Six Months’ Tour of the North of England, published in 4 volumes (1769), showing his enthusiasm for scenery as well as  agriculture

Young, Sir Charles George (1795-1869; ODNB), herald, son of Jonathan Young (1762-1826), physician of Lambeth, his mother Mary Waring (1778-1845) was an illegitimate daughter of Charles Howard the 11th duke of Norfolk (1746-1815; ODNB) who was much involved in his Cumberland estates, educ Charterhouse, in 1813 aged 18 entered the College of Arms, York Herald 1820, registrar 1822, Garter King of Arms, senior member of the college from 1842 until his death, researched the heraldry and genealogy of the kings of Denmark, Portugal and France, his works include A Catalogue of the Arundel Mss in the College of Arms (1829) and The Order of Precedence (1851)

Young, Francis Brett, see Brett

Young, Geoffrey Winthrop, see Winthrop

Younghusband, Joseph (1728-1782), mariner, of Whitehaven, often sailed from Whitehaven to Dublin, later captain of The Betsy, scuttled near Charlottesville, South Carolina in 1771, marr Elizabeth Pennington (1743-1814); the history and the raising of the vessel described in National Geographic June 1988

Youngman, Des (1928-2016), local councillor, born and raised in Victoria, Australia, worked as a radio transmitter engineer, becoming a radio operator at sea, marr 1st (19xx) 1 son (Derek) and 1 dau (Maureen), both of Perth, marr 2nd (1957) Elizabeth Eggleston (d.2001), working as a nurse in Borneo, no issue, moved to England, initially living at Culgaith with his brother-in-law, Joe Eggleston, converted an old barn at Culgaith to make new home, Hallowell, employed as a telecommunications technical officer at RAF Kingstown, near Carlisle, known as 14 MU, and continued to work there until he retired in early 1990s, prominent member of local community in Culgaith for over 40 years, acted as umpire in local cricket leagues and held coaching sessions for village youngsters, churchwarden at All Saints’, Culgaith, served on Culgaith Parish Council for about 30 years, Eden District Council (leader of Conservative group) and Cumbria County Council, a stroke in 2002 forcing him to give up his local authority roles, living for more than 10 years at Greengarth care home in Penrith, moving to Nether Place, Keswick, where he died 2 December 2016, aged 88, and buried in Culgaith churchyard, 8 December (CWH, 10.12.2016)

Youngson family of Bowscar, Pemrith; see Erskine

Youngson, Sister Agnes Helen, of the Community of Mary the Virgin, Wantage; see Erskine; Hud (C)

Younie, John D (19xx-2012), businessman, b Kippen, Stirlingshire, son of the Revd John Younie, educ Fettes and Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, 2nd WW DSO and bar in RAF, joined Somervell Brothers Ltd as graduate trainee in shoemaking and design in 1948, developed links with United States in visit from August to November 1951 to shoe factories, shops and tanneries,  developed first K Skip, a really light-weight women’s casual shoe, during 1953 (with development team led by Bryan Stilling) and launched for Spring range in 1954, appointed a director of firm in March 1956 (together with Spencer Crookenden, Bill Gould, and Robert Somervell) with responsibility for design and production of women’s shoes, and a director of K Shoes Ltd, the holding company, in April 1959, introduced new system called ‘Formulast’ to shoemaking (article in The Eyelet, July 1961), appointed chairman of K Shoes in March 1965, succ Ronald Somervell (qv), gave his vision on company’s future in July issue of The Eyelet [details], demonstrated waterproof quality of K Aquaskips by standing in river Kent outside factory in a pair on their launch in 1967, reported record profits for company in 1971, for fourth consecutive year, opening of many new K Shoe Shops and refurbishing of others, opening of new small factory at Shap for stretching uppers, and extension of capacity at Lilyhall, Workington, profits down in 1974 for first time in seven years due to industrial disruption and three-day week in 1973, but expansion of K Shoe Shops continued, resigned as chairman of group in June 1975 to concentrate on duties as managing director of Somervell Brothers, with K Shoemakers Ltd formed on 1 January 1976 to take over responsibility for all manufacturing activities, decided to move to Italy in March 1979 to look after Italian interests of United States Shoe Corporation (Marx and Newman) in importing high quality shoes, but remained a non-executive director of K Shoes Ltd until 1981, having overseen unprecedented period of growth for company, remained in retirement in Florence until his death in 2012 (K150, 87, 113, 124, 133, 151, 153-55, 169-70, 177, 190, 208; WG, 10.05.2012)

Yrton family, of Irton, see Hudleston armorial, also see Irton

Yrton, (Irton), Adam de (fl.early 12thc.), travelled to the Holy Land c.1100; monument St Bees, Hyde and Pevsner, 598

Yrton (Irton), Adam de (15thc.), probably the builder of the Irton Pele tower; a piece of a grave slab associated with him survives at St Bees, but this is probably of a later century; Hyde and Pevsner, 598

Yuan-Chia (1929-1994), artist, poet and curator, b Guangxi, China, lived 26 years at Banks, near Lanercost as a neighbour of Winifred Nicholson (qv), here he established his LYC Gallery and Museum