Kapp, Edmond Xavier (1890-1978; ODNB), artist, brother of Helen Kapp (qv)

Kapp, Helen Babette (nee Meyer) (1901-1978), artist and curator, b Hampstead, father Emil Benjamin Kapp a German wine merchant (and vice president of the London Jewish hospital) and her mother an American, brother of the artist Xavier Kapp (1890-1978), director of Wakefield Art Gallery, encouraged the young David Hockney, founding director of Abbot Hall Art Gallery, Kendal, brilliantly conceived of the layout of the Georgian interiors downstairs and the modern white cube spaces upstairs which remain a key element of the success of the gallery, researched life of Daniel Gardner for exhibition catalogue for Kenwood, GLC, in 1972, member of Kendal Art Society (resigned in 1969), sister of Edmond Xavier Kapp (1890-1978), also an artist (who did drawings of Sir Oliver Lodge in 1919-31, and Sir Julian Huxley, now in Barber Institute, Birmingham), of 3 Beckside/ Lune Cottage, Barbon, Kirkby Lonsdale, and later of 17 Carr Avenue, Leiston, Suffolk, died in 1978; Dictionary of Anglo-Jewish History

Kay, Revd James (1777-1847), Congregational Minister, founder of Unitarian Baptist congregation in Kendal in 1810 (ONK, 395-401)

Kay-Shuttleworth, Sir James (1807-1877; ODNB), educationalist, Charlotte Bronte (qv) visited him at Briery Close, Windermere

Kaye, Cecil William (1865-1941), MA, schoolmaster, educ University College, Oxford, headmaster of St Bees School 1917-1926, later of Millbeck Towers, Underskiddaw, where his son, James William, Brigadier, RA (commissioned 1918 and retired 1949) and Patron of CWAAS, lived until his death in 1989

Kayss, John Bainbridge (c.1835-1908), MA, clergyman, educ Trinity College, Dublin (BA 1860, Div Test (2) 1861, MA 1867), d 1860 and p 1862 (Carl), curate of Urswick 1860-1861, Bromfield 1861-1862 and 1870-1872, chaplain School Frigate Conway 1862-1870, rector of Nether Denton 1872-1880, vicar of Wigton and chaplain to Wigton Union 1880-1905, marr 1st (18xx) Arabella Hester (died on Easter Day 1882), marr 2nd at Bridekirk (9 January 1884) Margaret Meals (died at Seascale, 10 October 1939, aged 83), yst dau of Joseph Fleming, of Papcastle, 1 son (John Harvey Bainbridge, born 23 May 1894, who served in WW1 in Princess Patricia’s Light Infantry, and died as result of an accident at Shorncliffe, 25 March 1918) and 2 daus (Alice Marion Bainbridge (died 9 October 1893, aged eight) and Margaret Anna Bainbridge (Madge), later Mrs McCoull, of Seascale), died at Silloth, 22 March 1908, aged 73, and buried in Wigton cemetery (with wife and children) (HW, 178-179, 274-278)

Keats, John (1795-1821; ODNB), poet, born in London, 18 December 1795, made one visit to Lake District in 1818: left London for Liverpool with his brother George and wife Georgiana, and Charles Brown on 22 June 1818, arriving in Liverpool on late afternoon of 23 June, set off with Brown on their tour early next morning, taking coach to Lancaster and leaving George and Georgiana to sail for America a few days later, walked from Lancaster through south lakes to find Wordsworth out when they reached Rydal on 27 June, disappointed and disillusioned to learn that Wordsworth was electioneering on behalf of Tory Lord Lowther, also struck by prominence of his house at Rydal Mount and its familiarity to tourists, left a note for poet and proceeded along Rydal to Grasmere, noting humbler aspect of Dove Cottage, continued northwards, climbing Skiddaw on 29 June, then going on to Carlisle, from there by coach through Gretna Green to Dumfries, and so into Scotland

Keene, Rees (18xx-1910), MA, clergyman, eldest son of Roger Keene, of Boddington House, Cheltenham, educ Jesus College, Oxford (late Exhibitioner, BA (2nd cl Theol) 1883, MA 1887), d 1884 and p 1886 (Southwell), curate of St Peter’s, Mansfield 1884-1886, lecturer at St Bees College and curate of St Bees 1886-1895, sound scholar and well-read theologian, presented by Lord Lonsdale to rectory of Gosforth in 1895, great book-lover, esp interested in dialect and folk-lore, member of CWAAS from 1897, though not a writer of papers, did identify bread-safe at Gosforth Hall and drew Society’s attention to remains of chapel at Holy Well, Gosforth, friend of Charles Arundel Parker (qv), died 22 January 1910, after illness of several months (CW2, x, 513)

Keesey, Walter Monckton (1887-19xx), painter, etcher and architect, trained at Royal College of Art and won travelling scholarship in architecture, served WW1 with Royal Society of Painters, Etchers and Engravers 1914-1919, art master at Architectural Association 1913-1925, exhibited with 18 works shown at Walker Art Gallery and 16 at Royal Academy between 1912 and 1937, did drawing of ‘Highgate during the First World War’ (1916) with officer in uniform at foot of Allhallows Lane facing Town Hall (in Town Hall collection)

Kellaway, Renna (Irene Lavinia), Lady Manduel (1931-2024), concert pianist and festival founder, born in Durban, SA, daughter of Harold Kellaway, an engineer, and his wife Ivy, a maths teacher, educated at Durban Ladies College, followed by study in Amsterdam from the age of seventeen with Clara Haskill (1895-1960) and then with Johannes Rontgen (1898-1969) and Franz Osborne (1905-1955) in London, the latter being a pupil of Artur Schnabel (1882-1951), she performed as a concert pianist all over the world and later became an adjudicator of major competitions, briefly from 1979 directed Dartington Summer Music, taught at Birmingham School of Music and then the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester where she was head of keyboard studies from 1992-2000, here too she established the Glories of the Keyboard Festival in 1995, having founded the Lake District Summer Music festival in 1985, she ran the latter for thirty five years giving opportunities to rising talent such as Nicola Benedetti (from 2022 director of the Edinburgh Festival), awarded MBE in 2009 for services to music, she married John Manduel (later Sir John) (1928-2017) the first principal of the RNCM, he was the son of Matthewson Donald Manduel (1877-1943) a civil servant who was the son of Matthewson Manduel (1840-1896), a farmer at Drumleaning, near Wigton, they brought up four children while living at Bentham, North Yorkshire, she continued to perform, made broadcasts and gave piano classes, she was honoured with a Cumbria Life lifetime award and again atthe Cumbria Women of the Year event, she was described after her death as ‘inspirational’, ‘caring’ ‘formidable’, ‘kind’, ‘manifesting generosity, tenacity and vision’ and having an ‘impish’ sense of humour, her granddaughter Victoria played a Bach cello suite at her memorial service on 14 May  2024; obituary Telegraph 8 May 2024; websites of Lakeland Summer Music and the RNCM

Kelly, Eleanor Theresa (1884-), welfare worker in industry and writer,  born Hendon, London 4 March 1884, dau of Eleanor Kelly (b.1858), graduate of ? London university, in 1906 she was appointed by Hudson Scott’s, Carlisle to be their first welfare officer, here she developed the facilities, renovated the canteen, introduced a sick room with nurses and a part time doctor, also introduced record cards and made home visits to absent workers to support them in illness, involved in the resolution of difficulties between workers and management, in 1911 she lived at 15 Church Terrace, Stanwix, with her mother who was of independent means (in 1914 there were only 60 such welfare posts in the UK; Boots had four of them), in 1913 Boots constructed a model sick room at Olympia at a trade exhibition, in the same year Eleanor attended a conference at which a Welfare Workers Association was established, she was on the committee, in c.1914 she was invited to stay with the family of Jesse Boot in Jersey, soon after this she was poached by his firm Boots the Chemist, in 1918 she was the secretary of the National Association of Welfare Workers and in 1920, president, in 1939 she was a social worker and head of settlement at Bethnal Green, London; ET Kelly, ‘Relationship of Industry to the Welfare of the Community’, Welfare Work 4 no 43 (July 1923), 123-4

Kelly, P.V., local historian Furness, numerous publications in Furness Collection, Barrow including A Furness Village (1946); CW2 xxvii Bow Bridge; mss Barrow CRO

Kelly, Percy (1918-1993), artist, born at 113 Corporation Road, Workington, 1918, son (with twin brother John) of Oscar Kelly, a Manxman, and Martha, his wife, a Scot from Dalry, educ at Workington 1924-32, keen soccer player, worked for Post Office as a telegraph boy, then Postal and Telegraph Officer, Kendal 1932-1939, member Kendal Art Society, served WW2 with Border Regt, then Royal Signals 1939-1946, marr 1st at Workington (1942) (div 1970) Audrey James, 1 son (Brian, born 1946, died 2000), developed his interest in painting, work accepted by Royal Academy, Royal Glasgow Institute, Royal Scottish Academy and other institutions from early 1950s, elected to Lake Artists’ Society in 1951, left Post Office (having been sub postmaster at Great Broughton) in 1958 and moved to Allonby, met Sheila Fell and L S Lowry, studied lithography and printed textiles at Carlisle College of Art 1961-1965 (NND), travel scholarship to Brittany in 1964, first solo exhibition at Rosehill Theatre, Whitehaven in 1966 leading to exhibition at Sekers’ showroom in London in 1968, solo exhibition at Fermoy Gallery, King’s Lynn in 1969, lived Great Broughton as postmaster, Glen Cottage, Allonby, div Audrey and marr 2nd (1971) Christine Griffiths (div 1983), moved to Levens, left Cumbria in 1973 to live at St David’s in Pembrokeshire, moved again in 1980 to Pear Tree Cottage, Rockland St Peter, Norfolk, suffered from depression and mental health problems, much cheered by the correspondence of Joan David (qv) who organised a selling exhibition at Cringlemire, Windermere, changed his name by deed poll to Roberta Penelope Kelly in 1985 but back to his birth name in 1992 before he died from throat cancer in hospital at Norwich in July 1993, intestate, outstanding draughtsman and artist competent in any medium, solo exhibition curated by Mary Burkett at Abbot Hall Art Gallery, Kendal 1976, began correspondence with Joan David in 1983 with exhibition to pay for his divorce at Cringlemire, Troutbeck in 1984, in his last illness supported by David Ralli, d. Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, ashes scattered Loweswater, corresponded obsessively with a large number of friends and supporters; retrospective exhibition at Signature Gallery, Kirkland, Kendal, in April-June 2011, inc some of his illustrated letters sent to Joan David; record auction price in 2012 for his Uldale work (£4,500), previously House at Bridgefoot and A Cumbrian Village Scene (£3,700 each) at Mitchells of Cockermouth; ‘Line of Beauty’ centenary retrospective exhibition at Tullie House, Carlisle, 23 September 2017 to 28 January 2018 (CL, No.227, 44-47); The Man who Couldn’t Stop Drawing: The Extraordinary Life of Percy Kelly by Chris Wadsworth (2012); A Cumbrian Artist, by Mary E. Burkett and Val Rickerby and Cumbrian Brothers (2007) and Dear Mary, Love Percy (2012) both by David A. Cross; collections of his work at Abbot Hall and Tullie House

Kelly, Gen Sir Richard Dennis (1815-1897), army officer, c/o of 34th (Cumberland) Regt of Foot, wounded and taken prisoner at Seige of Sebastopol, saw action also at Cawnpore, Lucknow and was general officer commanding the Eastern District in 1877, colonel of the Border Regt 1889-1897,  marr daughter of Sir William Dillon 4th Bt, monument in Carlisle cathedral

Kelsick, John (d. 1723), of Ambleside, left property to build and endow a free school near St Anne’s chapel, dying in his 24th year (MI 1814)

Kelsick, Richard, a Whitehaven merchant who sailed to Virginia when trade was slack in the summer

Kemble, Hulton Henry (18xx-19xx), MA, clergyman, educ St Mary Hall, Oxford (BA 1891, MA 1899), Leeds Clergy School 1891, d 1893 and p 1894 (Carl), curate of Ambleside 1893-1895, vicar of Low Wray 1895-19xx [still in 1948, but dead by 1958], member of general committee of Ethel Hedley Hospital for Crippled Children, Calgarth (1930)

Kemble, Stephen George (1758-1822), actor, of Durham, brother of the actress Sarah Siddons (1755-1831), his grandson Rev Nicholas Freese Young Kemble (1825-1909) was vicar of Sebergham, his son Rev Hulton Henry Kemble was curate of Ambleside in the 1890s; Hudleston ( C )

Kemp, Elizabeth Maynard (c.1908-1996), MD, BSc, medical practitioner and local councillor, born in London to middle class family, her mother (died aged 93) inspiring in her a life-long concern with the arts, visiting art galleries and attending theatres and concerts in her adolescent years in London (from 15 to 24), educ London University (BSc 1931) and studied medicine at Royal Free Hospital (MD), where she struck up a life-long friendship with fellow student, Olive Capper-Johnson, MB, ChB (Oxon), MRCP (Lond), both came to Kendal from London in 1938 to set up a medical practice at 134 Highgate (at corner of Highgate and Captain French Lane), two young women doctors being a novelty in the town, but soon became well-known figures, esp during the War, continuing in partnership until 1960s [63/65], by which time new surgery in Captain French Lane had been completed and the practice enlarged, also instrumental with aid of National Association of Housing Societies and local residents in founding a house on Thorny Hills for conversion to ‘sheltered housing’ for retired elderly people at a time when there was very little such specially designed accommodation, from an Anglican background having no contact with dissenting tradition strong in Kendal, became increasingly aware of the poor both in London and in Westmorland, joined Westmorland Labour Party, elected to Kendal Borough Council in 1948, stimulated by her friend, Cicely Jefferies, and later to Westmorland County Council for Highgate Division of Kendal from 1961 until March 1974, member of Westmorland Education Committee to 1974 (chairman for a short time), then elected to new Cumbria County Council in 1973 and member of its education committee (when of Laneside, Skelsmergh), governor of many primary and secondary schools and colleges, bolstered by friendships with many members of teaching profession, especially sympathetic to isolation of rural villages in north Westmorland, opposed to school selection at eleven and campaigned for comprehensive principle to apply to all secondary schools, though could not get it through County Council, enjoyed foreign travel and read Italian and Spanish fluently and German less so, student of art and furniture, frequent correspondent on state of world, long-standing supporter of local UN Association, keen gardener, unpretentious demeanour, lived modestly, did not ‘care for the principle of inherited wealth’, though receiving £10,000 on her mother’s death, unmarried with no family or dependants, conceived idea of establishing a trust to help people of Westmorland gain greater access to all the arts of the highest quality and widen educational experience into the arts world (‘things which can’t be taught, they have to be experienced at first hand’), which she arranged in her will dated 20 July 1992, leaving her whole estate to form Westmorland Arts Trust, to be run by five trustees with expertise and knowledge of education, visual arts, music, drama and finance, of 9 Thorny Hills, Kendal (by 1988), died 9 February 1996, aged 88 (letters and trust papers in CRO, WDEC 41; WG, xx.02.1996)

Kemp, Emily Jessie (1851-1900), elder sister of George, 1st baron Rochdale, m. Thomas Wellesley Pigot and was beheaded with 44 others, missionaries and their families, during the Boxer rebellion

Kemp, George (1866-1945), 1st baron Rochdale, politician, soldier, businessman and cricketer, son of George Tawke Kemp (1810-1877) flannel manufacturer of Rochdale and his wife Emily Lydia Kelsall (1828-1905) (she was the sister in law of  Morton Peto (1809-1889) who built the Houses of Parliament, aged fifteen she laid the foundation stone of the clock tower), George was brought up at Beechwood, Rochdale, educ Shrewsbury, Mill Hill and Balliol, played cricket for Lancashire, scored three centuries against Yorkshire, fought Boer War with Lancashire Fusiliers, chairman of Kelsall and Kemp, later MP for Heywood, later moved to Lingholme, Keswick

Kemp, John Durival, 1st viscount Rochdale (1906-1993), OBE, TD, DL, BA, businessman, born 5 June 1906, son of John Kemp 1st baron Rochdale qv, whom he succ as 2nd baron Rochdale in 1945, educ Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge (BA), marr (1931) Elinor Dorothea, CBE, JP, Chief Comdt, ATS, vice-president of Voluntary Action Cumbria (1977), dau of  Ernest H Pease, of Darlington, 1 son (St John Durival, now 2nd viscount, born 1938, former Cumbria County Councillor, who put Lingholm up for sale in July 2012), served WW2 (despatches, TD 1943), Hon Brigadier, Hon Col 851 (Westmorland & Cumberland Yeo Field Battery, RA (TA) 1959-1967, joined Kelsall & Kemp Ltd, Rochdale, woollen manufacturers in 1928, and chairman 1952-1971 (see the involvement of RT Heape (qv) in this firm) deputy chairman of West Riding Worsted & Woollen Mill Ltd 1969-1972, president of National Union of Manufacturers 1953-1956, member of Central Transport Consultative GB 1952-1957, Dollar Exports Council 1953-1960, Western Hemisphere Export Council 1960-1964, chairman of Cotton Board 1957-1962, director of Consett Iron Co Ltd 1956-1967, chairman of National Ports Council 1963-1967 (having chaired Cttee of Enquiry Major Ports of GB in 1961), director of Williams Deacon’s Bank Ltd 1960-1970, dep chm of Williams & Glyn’s Bank Ltd 1973-1977, director of National & Commercial Banking Group 1971-1977, chairman, cttee of inquiry into Shipping Industry 1967-1970, chairman of Harland & Wolff, Belfast 1971-1975, president of N W Industrial Development Assoc 1974, Governor of BBC 1954-1959, etc, vice-president of Friends of Lake District, created Viscount in 1960, DL Cumberland 1947, of Lingholm, Keswick, died 24 May 1993

Kemp Georgiana (1860-1939), sister of George 1st baron Rochdale, educ Somerville college, Oxford, funded the building of the chapel at Somerville

Kempe, Charles Eamer (1837-1907), stained glass in Cumbria, Hyde and Pevsner, 749; Adrian Barlow, Life Art and Legacy of CEK, c.2017

Kempston, Arthur Cecil (18xx-1936), clergyman, vicar of Coniston 1926-1936, marr Edith (died 25 September 1979, aged 91), died 10 January 1936, aged 55, and buried at Coniston

Kendal, Baron, see Prince Rupert (1644-1682); Lowther (1784-1802)

Kendal, Duchess of, see Schulenberg (1719-1743)

Kendal, Duke of, see Stuart (1666-1667)

Kendal, Earl of, see John, Duke of Bedford (1414-1435); Beaufort, John, Duke of Somerset (1443-1444); Jean de Foix (1446?-1462); George, Prince of Denmark (1689-1708)

Kendal, Irene, artist, of High Ground House, Torver, her grandfather was a co-founder of the Ruskin Museum, Coniston, she left the house and her paintings to the NT

Kendal (formerly Bragg), Richard Geoffrey (1909-1998), actor, b. Kendal, changed his name to that of his birthplace, m. Laura Liddell at Gretna, ran Shakespeare touring company in India, father of Felicity Kendal, toured India, the tale of hiis life led to The Shakespeare Wallah (1987)

Kendal, George (17xx-1804), schoolmaster, master at Broughton-in-Furness Grammar School for two years when he applied for post at Kendal on resignation of Gilbert Crackanthorpe (qv) in 1774, had a testimonial that he was ‘a person of an honest, sober and virtuous conversation, ...well affected to the Present Government and Established Religion of this Nation, …well skilled in classical and other useful parts of literature’, master of Kendal Grammar School for 30 years 1774-1804, trustee of William Sleddall’s Prayer Books Charity, regarded as one of best classical scholars in north of England (nomination and election dated 4 July 1774 in CRO, DRC 10/ Kendal)

Kendal, Sir John, see Culwen

Kendall, George (d.1852), shipowner, his widow Ann lived at Rylands, Grasmere, his great grandson William Gilbert Kendall lived at Ling How, Windermere; Hud (W)

Kendall, William Barrow (1851-1919), engineer and naturalist, worked for F.Stileman in Barrow and London, consulting engineers, wrote papers for Barrow Field Naturalists: Cocken (1896), North Scale (1898) Gleaston Castle (1902) read by Harper Gaythorpe as he was often in London

Kenlis, Lord (1844-1893) (family name Taylour, later earl of Bective), MP for Westmorland, supported women’s suffrage, commissioned E.G. Paley to restore the church at Kirkby Lonsdale [1866-8], lived Underley Hall, his daughter Olivia married Lord Henry Cavendish-Bentinck; memorial fountain against the church wall, Kirkby Lonsdale

Kenlis, Lady Alice (fl.later 19thc), in 1869 created prizes for Kendal Show but gave them up in 1895, disillusioned; Quarto, October 1995, 24

Kennedy, Charles Burton (1833-1865) and Myles (1836-1883), Kennedy Brothers, Iron Masters, sons of Charles Storr Kennedy (qv), || partner in Ulverston Mining Company, and Elizabeth (will made 5 February 1870 and proved at Lancaster, 25 November 1872), only dau of Myles Theodore Burton (qv), of Fair View, Ulverston, || Myles born at Fair View in February 1836 and intended to assist father in mining operations, entering as student in Royal School of Mines, London, while C B was articled to Francis Yarker, Magistrates’ Clerk, but on death of father, both established firm of Kennedy Brothers and then discovered iron ore works at Roanhead, C B died in 1865 and Myles continued business, further discovery of ore at Askam, also purchased Dalton Mines, Chairman of Local Board from inception in 1871 to 1883, Captain Commandant of Ulverston Volunteer Corps, subscriber to Cottage Hospital and other charitable institutions in Ulverston, Past Master of Lodge of Furness, JP, etc, built Victorian Gothic mansion at Stone Cross (designed by J W Grundy, of Ulverston, 1874, in white limestone with Aberdeen granite trim, castellated parapet, and interior with Gothic central hall, grand staircase and vaulted arcades) [later LCC special school], sold cottage at 8 (formerly 9) Union Row, Kendal to Matthew Derome, auctioneer, 17 October 1876, which his grandfather, Myles Burton, had purchased from John and James Gandy in 1820 (deeds in CRO, WD/RG/acc.303), ||<owned yacht White Heather, bequeathed brother Charles’s collection of Battersea Enamels to V & A Museum>||, marr (1861) Margaret (d. 4 March 1887), dau of A B Rowley, of Manchester, 6 sons (inc 5th son, William George Ainslie (1873-1938), Captain RN, of Church House, Greystoke) and 10 daus (of which 1 d. inf), of Hill Foot, Stone Cross, Ulverston, died in March 1883 (GF, 33; FFW, 78-81)

Kennedy, Charles Storr (1797-1857), ironmaster

Kennedy, David (c.1778-1819), DL, JP, landowner, of Craig, Ayrshire, marr (1800) Elizabeth (d.1845), only child of George Dalton (qv), of Carlisle, 3 sons (eldest, David Dalton, born 1808, and yst, George, died in 1838, aged 25) and 3 daus (inc Georgiana (qv) sub Molloy), living in Abbey Street, Carlisle, then built Crosby Lodge, where he died as result of fall from his horse, 1819, aged 41, and buried in Crosby-on-Eden churchyard; widow and family moved south and let out house to Hon Robert Leeson, son of Earl of Milltown, who Gothicised Crosby Lodge with mock-medieval tower and castellated flat roof, but on his death, Mrs Kennedy sold property to Saul family of Carlisle (qv)

Kennedy, James (1824-1866) itinerant photographer; CWAAS 2017, 181

Kennedy, Maj. Gen, Sir John [1893-1970], soldier; lived Temple Sowerby, chairman Rosehill Theatre, involved Outward Bound, Ullswater and Yehudi Menuhin School, Sussex

Kennedy, Myles (1862-1928), DL, JP, High Sheriff of Lancashire 1922, chairman of committee for building of Coronation Hall, Ulverston, formed in 1911, laid foundation stone on 3 June 1914 and formally opened Hall on 3 June 1920, deputy chairman of Furness Railway Company to 1923, director of Hodbarrow Mining Company, chairman of North Lonsdale Unionist Association (1917), of Stone Cross, Ulverston; CW3 xv 234

Kennedy, Myles Storr Nigel (1889-19xx), MA, JP, born 12 October 1889, er son of Myles Kennedy (qv), educ Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge (MA), served WW1 (despatches), late 3rd Bn Border Regt, Barrister-at-law, Inner Temple 1920, CA Lancs 1922-1940, JP Lancs, MP for Lonsdale Div Lancs 1922-1923, marr (18 July 1946) Dorothy, only dau of John William Millington, of Alexandra House, Leicester, issue?, of Hill Foot, Ulverston   

Kennedy, Maj Myles Harold (20thc), son of Capt WGA Kennedy of Stone Cross was of 4/7th Rajputs, lived Bergvliet, Cape Town; Hud (C)

Kennedy, Theodora (Theo) (1826-1894), born 22 March 1826, 4th of 8 daus of Charles Storr Kennedy (qv) and sister of C B and Myles Kennedy (qv), marr Ewen Colquhoun, of Luss, N B, a Scot, of Diplomatic Service, author of Far North (novel using dialect, published in London in 3 vols in 1866), died 1894 s.p. (CW3, v, 207)

Kennedy, Tom (b.1856), champion Cumberland and Westmorland wrestler, of the Lowther Arms, Cleator Moor (C&CM, 411-14)

Kennedy, William GA (c.1873-1938), c/o of HMS India sunk in 1915, vice president Penrith golf club, president of Thursday Football Club, tenant of Skiddaw Grove, Penrith; CW3 xx 207ff

Kennet, Francis, R.C. absentee landowner; CW2 lix 121

Kenny, Messrs, (19thc.), itinerant photographers, CW3 xvii 181

Kent, Charles William (c.1856-1933), Baptist minister, Minister of Westmorland Group of Baptist Churches 1908-1916, Kirkby Stephen chapel in Victoria Square, lived at 70 South Road, Kirkby Stephen (1914), compiled notes on history of Baptists in Westmorland (see history by David K West, 1981), photograph (with Mrs Kent) in CRO, WDFC/B/acc.6011), of 6 Brockbank Terrace, KS, where he died, aged 77, and buried in Kirkby Stephen cemetery, 12 April 1933

Kent, John (1805-1886), first British black police officer, born in Low Hesket, April 1805, and bapt at Hesket, 15 April, son of Thomas Kent, a sailor, prob a freed slave, who took his name from a vessel and was later in service with the Senhouses, his wife was Eleanor Pickering, served as police officer in Maryport 1835, Longtown and Carlisle from 1837 to 1846, dismissed as too old for the police and worked for the railway; died 20 July 1886; (Britain’s First Black Policeman: The Life of John Kent, A Police Officer in Cumberland, 1835-1846 by John Ray Greenhow, 2018); News and Star, 19.10.2006 and 26.10.2006. His brother Joseph married Bridget Kerr, the DNA of their descendants shows ancestry in the Ivory Coast, Ghana and Mali

Kent, Thomas, probably a freed slave, employed by the Senhouse family at Calder Abbey, father of John Kent, policeman (qv)

Kentigern (St Kentigern, aka Mungo) (d. 612x614; ODNB), missionary and diocesan patron, said to be bastard son of king Euginius of Strathclyde and unbaptised Christian girl Tenew, possibly first bishop of Glasgow, his life mainly based on a hagiographical account by Jocelin of Furness (qv) (prob c.1180), became focus of cult centred on Glasgow and closely associated with the kingdom of Strathclyde, cluster of local church dedications in Cumberland may reflect recovery of area by Strathclyde in 10th century, incl Crosthwaite (where he may have preached ca.590; symbols associated with him are on iron gates of church) and eight others (Aspatria, Bromfield, Caldbeck, Castle Sowerby, Dearham, Grinsdale, Irthington and Mungrisdale), also holy wells at Bromfield, Caldbeck and Castle Sowerby, and Greystoke (Thanet Well, after his mother Thanew/Tenew); feast day on 13 January (occasion of sermons by Canon H D Rawnsley (qv) at Crosthwaite commemorating both St Kentigern and St Herbert qv; the Kentigern story of the royal ring found inside the salmon is also told of the 7thc bishop Arnulf of Metz

Kentish, Mrs Agnes, nee Close (18xx-19xx), dau of Very Revd Francis Close (qv), marr (1852) Revd John George Kentish, LLB (Cantab) (1828-1859), son of John Kentish, Bombay Civil Service (1796-1861), as his 2nd wife, 1 son (George Colville Arden, qv) and 2 daus (Ida and Florence), lived at Wigton Hall with her daughters from 1882 until 1919 [when did she die?] when they moved to Bowscar, Penrith with their brother from 1924

Kentish, George Colville Arden (1856-1933), JP, only son of Revd John George Kentish and his 2nd wife, Agnes (qv), dau of Dean Close, of Bowscar, Penrith from 1924, marr, succ by surviving dau, Gwendolen Arden, wife of John Frederick Harris (qv), of Brackenburgh, died in 1933

Kenworthy, John Dalzell (1858-1954), artist, son of George Kenworthy, candle maker, of Mount Pleasant, Whitehaven, and his wife Sarah, moved to Vale View, St Bees, educ Barngill School, Distington, marr (188x) Dinah, of Egremont, 2 sons, designed and erected WWI Memorial of St George and the Dragon by Pow Bridge near rail station (commemorating his eldest son Stanley, Captain 17th Manchester Regt, killed in action on the Somme, 1916, aged 32), keen fisherman, sending salmon and loch trout caught on his Scottish fishing expeditions back to St Bees by train for distribution to the needy, author of A Fisherman’s Philosophy (WN, 1933), of Seacroft, St Bees [demolished in 1968/9 and replaced by modern house by Frank Schon, later used by NHS until closure in 2010], portrait (Beacon, Whitehaven) died in 1954 (WN, 11.01.2018), member of Lake Artists’ Society, Renouf, 58-9; Marshall Hall

Kenyon, Frances Margaret Taylor MRCP LRCS (1894-1979), physician, daughter of Maj Gen Edward Ranulph Kenyon (1854-1937) and Frances Mary Crea Le Butts, assistant county medical officer, lived Low Broom Rigg, Warcop, descended from Lloyd Kenyon, 1st Lord Kenyon (1732-1802) Lord Chief Justice, married Geoffrey Faucit Taylor, divorced; Hud (W)

Kershaw, Right Revd Mgr Provost Basil J (1908-1989), Roman Catholic priest and teacher, born in Blackburn, educ Ushaw College, Durham, and Cambridge University, ordained priest at St Anne’s in 1934, taught in junior seminary at Ushaw until apptd Rector of newly formed Lancaster Diocesan Junior Seminary at Thistleton Lodge, near Kirkham in 1948, extended to Underley Hall, Kirkby Lonsdale (purchased by diocese in 1960, becoming St Michael’s College), extended buildings and enlarged school, but retired from teaching in 1973 after changes in junior seminary colleges [St Michael’s College amalgamated with Upholland JS in 1975 and Underley Hall closed], strong believer in training candidates for priesthood from an early age, Hon Canon of Lancaster Cathedral Chapter 1951, Chapter Canon 1953, monitored experiment of division of diocese into North Lancashire and Cumbria (lasted 3 yrs), Prelate of Honour 1968, Parish Priest of Our Lady of the Wayside, Grasmere 1973-1989, also served Chapel of Our Lady of the Snows at Langdale (chapel of the Achille Ratti Climbing Club; bishop TB Benson (qv)) and said Mass in Patterdale area before chapel built at Glenridding in 1975, elected Provost of the Chapter in 1975 and Protonotary Apostolic in 1979, died in Kendal Hospital after heart attack, 19 September 1989, aged 81, and buried in Lancaster Cathedral cemetery, 26 September (LDD 1990, 57-58)

Kester, Paul (1870-1933), US playwright, is said to have purchased Augill castle ‘by cable’ in 1905, seems not to have lived there, among his plays are Countess Roudine (1892), Eugene Aram (1896), The Cavalier (1902) with Julia Marlowe of Caldbeck (qv), The Woman of Bronze (1920), Kester lived at Gunstone Hall, Virginia, USA

Kewley, William (18xx-1907), AKC, clergyman, King’s College London (Theol Associate 1876), d 1876 and p 1877 (Carl), curate of Millom 1876-1881, vicar of Ulpha 1881-1887, perpetual curate of Natland 1887-1907, marr (9 January 1884) Ada (died 6 June 1898, aged 45, and buried in Natland churchyard, 8 June), dau of John Sharp, of Waltham St Lawrence, Berkshire, first at Ulpha, then at Natland, affected by early loss of his wife, who had been much involved in church life at Ulpha and Natland, esp with choir, Sunday school, clothing class, mothers’ meeting and church decoration (esp font) (CRO, WPR 35/ parish mag, July 1898), returned to Holy Trinity, Millom as vicar in 1907 but died suddenly after just three months

Keynes, Sir Geoffrey Langdon (1887-1982; ODNB); surgeon, brother of Maynard Keynes, the economist (1883-1946; ODNB), climbed in the Lakes with George Mallory (qv), tackled the northern ascent of Pillar

Khayyam, Mohamed Zareem (1935-2022), established the Caribbean Islamic Society in London in the 1980s, born Windsor Forest on the Demerara river in former British Guiana, trained as a goldsmith in father’s business, marr Jameda in 1953, 2 sons, emigrated to England in 1960 lived Ladbroke Square, London, worked as a machine operative, moved into community work, invited twice to Buckingham Palace with the Guyanan High Commissioner, died Kirksanton near Millom, cared for by his family

Kidd, William Arthur (c.1920-2007), farmer, councillor and Methodist preacher, born at Midtown Farm, Glassonby, yr son and 2nd of three children of John Kidd and his wife Isabella, eldest dau of William Potter, of Old Parks, educ Maughanby School and Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Penrith, but left school at 15 after his father’s strokes to run the farm, first treasurer of Penrith YFC and later chairman, farmed with his elder brother Norman as Kidd Brothers from 1940 to 1947, remaining at Midtown Farm until 1991, traditional mixed farm, later concentrating on dairy cattle (Holstein-Friesian herd lost in foot and mouth outbreak of 2001), member and past chairman of National Milk Records service, local parish councillor for many years, served on Penrith Rural District Council for Glassonby ward for 16 years, being vice-chairman at time of local government reorganisation in 1974, then served 17 years on Eden District Council for Hartside ward, Cumberland County Councillor for Kirkoswald from 1961, governor of Newton Rigg Farm School, governor of Ullswater School, Penrith, member of Eden Water Board, enthusiastic sheepdog trials competitor and judge, attended Glassonby Methodist Chapel all his life, being secretary for many years and an accredited local preacher from 1947, circuit steward of Kirkoswald Methodist Circuit for six years and member of circuit choir (good bass voice), life member and advocate of the Romany Society (dating back to his meeting Revd Bramwell Evans (qv), ‘Romany’ of  the BBC, at Old Parks), served in Home Guard and as special constable in Penrith section, marr (June 1948) Freda Ellwood (decd), of Scarrowmanwick, near Croglin, 1 son (David), died at Penrith Hospital, 6 April 2007, aged 88, and buried in Addingham churchyard after service at Glassonby Methodist Chapel, 12 April (CWH, 14.04.2007)

Killingbeck, Walter (c.1890-c.1960), MD Barrow steelworks, salvaged the original Bessemer pilot converter now in the Science Museum, his widow, living in Croslands Park, was the first in Barrow to have colour TV; Les Shore on J. Timmis Smith (qv), (DCB); CRO BDHJ161/B1 agreement re transfer of funds from Barrow ironworks band to Barrow steelworks band

Kilner, Revd Edmund (d.1705), clergyman, curate of Patterdale from 1690 until his death, buried at Patterdale, 20 November 1705 (ECW, ii, 1230)

Kilner, Thomas (fl.1639), steward, steward of manor of Fawcett Forest with Selside for Sir James Bellingham (qv) (Levens Hall MSS manor court roll 1639)

Kilner, Revd William (17xx-18xx), clergyman, minister of Ings, widow Mary (of Stricklandgate, buried at Kendal, 3 June 1834, aged 85)

Kimber, Sir Timothy Roy Henry, 4th Bt (1936-2012), DL, investment banker, born 3 June 1936, eldest son of Sir Charles Dixon Kimber, 3rd Bt (1912-2008), and his first wife, Ursula, dau of Ernest Roy Bird, MP, educ Eton (1st football XI), did two years’ national service as Midshipman, 2nd Submarine Sqdn, RNVR 1955-1957, worked his way around world in a year before joining English Electric in Liverpool for six years 1958-1965, moved to Lazard Bros & Co in 1965 to work in investment trust department, executive director 1966-1990, opening offices in Hong Kong and Tokyo in 1980s, founder director of Border Asset Management established in 1989, and non-exec chairman from 2006 until it became part of Sanlam Group in 2011, also director: Adam & Co Investment Management, Noble Group, Invesco Japan Discovery Trust plc, Jardine Fleming India Fund Inc, Dartmoor Investment Trust plc, Taiwan Opportunities Fund Ltd, dep chm NZ Investment Trust plc, Cumberland Building Society, deputy treasurer of Lancaster University 1995-1996, High Sheriff of Lancashire 1996-97, DL Lancs 1997, President of Wildlife Trust of Lancashire 2005, chairman of Association of Lancashire Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs 1999-2005, then vice-president, founder member of Friends of Eden, Lakeland and Lunesdale Scenery (FELLS), chairman for several years, then president, proficient golfer (member of Royal Lytham and St Anne’s Golf Club), lifelong supporter of Chelsea Football Club, marr 1st (1960) Antonia Kathleen Brenda, dau of Sir Francis John Watkin Williams, 8th Bt, QC, diss 1974, 2 sons (Rupert Edward Watkin (b.1962) and Hugo Charles (b.1964)), marr 2nd (1979) Susan Hare, dau of J K Brooks, and widow of Richard Coulthurst North, of Newton Hall, Lancs, moved to Kirkby Lonsdale in 1993, died at Newton Gate, Lancs, 4 December 2012, aged 76, and buried at Whittington, followed by funeral service at St Mary’s church, Kirkby Lonsdale, 18 December; memorial service at Chelsea Old Church, London, 29 January 2013

Kindley, Filomena Margarita (1865-1915), Carlisle, daughter of Angus Kindley a builder, lived 40, Cecil St., made several sea voyages to both N. and S. America, m. Capt James Barr q.v.; Cumbria FH Soc, Sept 2020

King, Christopher, mathematician, head of maths at Barrow Grammar School, marr Rene, two daughters, lived Thwaite Flat near Dalton in Furness, cycled from Thwaite Flat to the BGS to work

King, David (16xx-17xx), clergyman, rector of Lamplugh, marr (23 October 1712 at Lamplugh) Grace, dau of Henry Salkeld, of Threapland Hall, and Elizabeth, dau of John Irton, of Irton, and sister of Mary, wife of Cuthbert Osmotherley (qv) (CW2 , lxxxiii, 180)

King, Frederick Charles (18xx-19xx), gardener, head gardener at Levens Hall 1919-1954, from time when house was let to Reynolds family in 1920s, became enthusiast for organic principles and value of compost, humus and earthworms, ahead of popular thinking at the time, author of pamphlet Is Digging Necessary? and books The Compost Gardener and Gardening with Compost, gardens in need of renovation after war and required to contribute more to upkeep of house, leading to increased quantities of cut flowers, fruit and vegetables being produced for sale locally, lived in Paradise Cottage in Gardens, but moved on in 1954, succ by George W Robertson as head gardener [retired in 1980 to be succ by his son, Brian, till 1986, then Chris Crowder took over]

King, Henry (18xx-18xx), BA, clergyman, vicar of Kirkby Stephen from 1843, responsible for first refurbishment of church

King, Isaac (1xxx-1xxx), fellow of Queen’s College, Oxford, headmaster of Ambleside Kelsick School

King, James (1755-1821), of Finsthwaite Hall, partner in new gunpowder company at Lowwood

King, Joshua (1798-1857), LLD, educ Hawkshead GS, Trinity and Queen’s, president of Queens’ College, Cambridge, formerly master of Whicham School, Lucasian professor of mathematics and Vice Chancelllor; portrait Beechey

King, James RN (fl.mid 18thc), naval surgeon, married Isabel Taylor of Finsthwaite 1751, his son James (d.1821) built Finsthwaite House, was a partner in the Low Wood gunpowder works and had considerable estates in Furness, W and C, in 1797 he built Finsthwaite Tower on the hill north of Newby Bridge to commemorate the victories of 1797-8 of the admirals Howe, Duncan, St Vincent and Nelson, in the event his plaque refers to the ‘matchless conduct and irresistible valour’ of all ranks; Hud (W), www.thefollyflaneuse.com

King, Mr, bought the Backbarrow cotton mill in 1895 and set up his Ultramarine Works Co., producing artificial blue pigment like the colour of ancient lapis lazuli, the solid cakes were made with the pigment, china clay and rosin and allowed housewives to achieve a whiter wash, this was successful and in 1918 bought up by Reckitts of Hull who continued to make ‘Dolly Blue’ here until the firm closed in 1981 (now the Whitewater Hotel), there was an active workshop on both sides of the A590 which narrowed here and workers would cross the road in their overalls, with their clothes and faces stained blue becoming known as the ‘Blue Men’, the rocks on the sides of the adjacent river were also stained blue; q.v. the ‘Purple Men’, the Phoenicians who sold Tyrian purple dye made from the mollusc, murex; M. Davies-Shiel, Cumbria Industrial History Bulletin, December 2000

King, Richard Oliver (1884-1975), MA, historian, (son of Oliver King, butler successively to Musgraves of Eden Hall, Grahams of Netherby, and Sir Wilfrid Lawson), educ Carlisle Grammar School; (CW3, ix, 199)

King, Samuel (1827-1878), of Alston, descended from the Richardsons of Randalholme, his will of 1872 left £2000 in annuities to the town for the public good, after delays in administration this funded the erection of the Samuel King school which opened in 1909

King, William, frame maker Whitehaven, made frame for portrait of Dr Joshua Dixon by George Sheffield (qqv)

Kingscote (or Kingscotes), John (d.1463), appointed bishop of Carlisle in 1462 as recompense for £600 due to him from the king’s father Richard, duke of York (1411-1470) and the king Edward IV (1442-1483) himself, he died the following year; Hud (C)

Kinnear (Kinnyer), Joseph (16xx-17xx), MA, clergyman, Scotsman, minister of Annan from 1687 but driven out by virulence of Covenanter feeling in 1695, not a Presbyterian and refused to sign Covenant but a committed Episcopalian, left with wife on foot with their children in panniers on pony to Threlkeld, briefly attached to Holm Cultram before being instituted at Sebergham in 1695, with several families from Annan following him to settle in Sebergham parish………. (Josiah Relph (2015), 27ff )

Kipling, Charles (18xx-18xx), BA, clergyman, incumbent of Gilsland from 1852 (1858)

Kipling, Thomas (c.1801-1857), surgeon, from Barnard Castle, co Durham, left Sedbergh with his daughter in a gig proceeding to Shap via Howgill when he had heart attack and died, aged 56, his body removed to house of John Slee, while his daughter was taken care of at Gateside, later joined there by his widow and son, and buried at Howgill, 11 July 1857; his great granddaughter was Charlotte Kipling, of Windermere (see CRO, WDX 1045)

Kirkbride of Kirkbride; CW2 xiv 63

Kirkbride, Richard (d.c.1267), married Euphemia de Levington, one of the co-heirs of her niece Helewise de Balliol; Hud (C)

Kirkbride, Richard (d.1330), son of Richard Kirkbride (d.c.1267), a noted soldier who was present at the siege of Caerlaverock, the Caerlaverock Roll describes how he dealt out ‘many a crushing stone’; Hud (C)

Kirkbride, Richard (d.1659), descended from the earlier Kirkbrides, was of Ellerton near Hesket in the Forest, he fought for the king in the Civil War; Hud (C)

Kirkbride, William, ‘the duke of Plumpton’, lived Low St House, Plumpton; Hudleston ( C ), 191n

Kirby, J L (19xx-200x), FSA, historian, verified facts given in Corrigenda List in 1953 impression of The Concise Dictionary of National Biography, which he saw through the press, member of CWAAS from 1950 (when of 2 Lloyds Place, Blackheath, London SE3), contributing articles to Transactions on ‘Some early records of Cumberland lay subsidies’ (liii (1953), 63-68), ‘The Keeping of Carlisle Castle before 1381’ (liv (1954), 131-139), of 15 Ferncroft Avenue, Hampstead, London NW3 (by 1955)

Kirkby family of Kirkby-in-Furness and Ireleth; CW1 xii 269; CW2 vi 97

Kirkby, Brigham (18xx-19xx), author of Lakeland Words (1898) with preface by Prof Joseph Wright, republished (1975), contributor to English Dialect Dictionary, of Batley in 1898

Kirkby, George (17xx-1860), Westmorland County Treasurer, of Tullythwaite House, Underbarrow; will of George Kirkby of Tullithwaite, 12 August 1763 (WDX 1556/16)

Kirkby, John (fl.1332-1352; ODNB), canon and then bishop of Carlisle, a fighting prelate who drove off the Scots, perhaps b. K Lonsdale, according to Geoffrey le Baker he was a leader at the battle of Neville’s Cross, escorted Joan the dau of Edward III to marry Alonso of Castile

Kirkby, Richard (1625-1681), JP MP, born Kirkby Ireleth, son of Roger Kirkby and Agnes Lowther sister of Sir John 1st Bt (qv), custos rotulorum, MP for Lancaster 1661-1681, married three times, son Capt Richard in RN (qv)

Kirkby, Capt Richard (c.1657-1702) RN, born Kirkby Ireleth, son of Richard (1625-1681) and Isabel Hudleston of Millom, daughter of Sir William Hudleston, 2nd Lt HMS Advice, Captain on HMS Success to St Kitts, then on HMS Southampton observed to ‘keep as far off’ the French fleet as he could, accused of embezzlement and cruelty to his crew but pardoned, as captain of HMS Defiance and 2nd i/c under Vice Admiral Benbow (1653-1702) in August 1702, following disagreements with the admiral he and several other captains signed a declaration that they would not fight, Benbow fought on and lost a leg, imprisoned in Jamaica and court martialled back in England, condemned for cowardice, Kirkby and his fellow captain Wade were shot by six musketeers at Plymouth, other captains were exonerated, Benbow died of wounds soon afterwards, a popular ballad ‘Brave Benbow’ has the lines: But his captains they turned tail/ In a fright, in a fright…..

Kirkby, William Comber (d.1791), of Ashlack Hall, attorney, descended from the Kirkbys of Kirkby Hall (12th-17thc), one of the Ancients of the Society of Staple Inn; Hud (W), VCHL VIII 392-6; CW1 xiii 269-86; CW2 vi 97-127

Kirkes, William Senhouse (1822-1864; ODNB), MD, FRCP, physician, born at Holker and bapt at Cartmel, 18 March 1822, 5th son and youngest of 8 children of Morecroft Kirkes, esq/gent, of Holker (bapt 16 September 1783, buried at Cartmel, 7 July 1832, aged 48, son of Morecroft Kirks and Elizabeth Stockdale, who were married at Cartmel on 24 September 1782, and was a witness to marriage of Matthew Robinson Boulton (1770-1842), and Mary Anne, dau of William Wilkinson (qv), at Cartmel on 24 February 1817), and his wife Anne [his siblings: Moorcroft, (bapt 11 January 1810), Elizabeth (bapt 23 January 1811), John and Martin Stockdale (bapt 12 April 1813), Mary (bapt 10 August 1814), Catherine (bapt 30 November 1816) and Henry Gilbert (bapt 11 October 1819) all at Cartmel], educ Cartmel Grammar School, apprenticed to partnership of surgeons in Lancaster in c.1835 at age of 13, to St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London in 1841, grad MD in Berlin 1846, apptd demonstrator of morbid anatomy at St Bartholomew’s in 1848, elected assistant physician in 1854, lecturer on botany, then medicine, and elected Physician to hospital (succ George Burrows) in 1864, elected fellow of Royal College of Physicians 1855 and Goulstonian Lecturer there 1856, author (with James Paget) of a Handbook of Physiology (1848) (with subsequent editions) and important paper on embolism in Medico-Chirurgical Transactions (1852), marr Caroline, died after five days’ illness at his house, 2 Lower Seymour Street, London, 8 December 1864

Kirkham, Philip, clergyman, vicar of Beetham, also of Kirkby Stephen, his dau Ursula marr Max Overton, civil engineer, of Derby, later of Sedgwick, whose dau and yst of five, Bryony, was a Penrith teacher and church verger, who marr (6 August 1971) Herbert Connor at Crosscrake, and died in Dec 2018/Jan 2019, aged 74, funeral at St Andrew’s Church, Penrith, and interment at Penrith cemetery, 4 or 11 Janury 2019 (CWH, 12.01.2019)

Kirkstone Bill’ placed stones on his pub roof at Kirkstone Inn in anticipation of a storm

Kirkus, Colin, climber; Ivan Mark Waller (qv)

Kitchen, George William (1827-1912; ODNB) MA DD FSA, b. Suffolk, son of Rev Isaac Kitchen of Ipswich, his mother was Mary the dau of the Rev J. Bardgarth of Melmerby, ed Ipswich GS, Kings college school and Christ Church college Oxford, BA MA, tutor at Christ Church, hon fellow at Kings London, canon Christ Church 1863, tutor Crown Prince Denmark, m Alice dau of Bridges Taylor of the Foreign Office and Elsinore in 1863, during a career break lived at Brantwood 1869-71, chaplain bishop William Jacobson of Chester 1871, censor of non collegiate students in Oxford, dean of Winchester from 1883 (given his DD) and Durham from 1894, took a great interest in the university and was the first chancellor, published The Story of the Deanery and Ruskin in Oxford [1904]; his tombstone at Durham is a large celtic cross on the bank adjacent to the sanctuary knocker, portrait by JW Schofield in Durham Castle, portrait photographs by Lutwidge Dodgson [NPG]; David A Cross, The Paintings in Durham Castle, 2002 unpub cat [copy  univ library]

Kitchen, John (c.1769-1839), gentleman, of Stricklandgate, Kendal, buried at Kendal, 9 October 1839

Kitchen, John George Aulsebrook (Jack) (1869-1940; DCB), engineer and inventor, born St Helen’s, son of William Henry A. Kitchen estate agent and his wife Ellen, made first experiments (with Isaac Storey) in radio-control in 1904 by erecting a wireless mast on Queen Adelaide’s Hill to steer steam launch Bat around north of lake Windermere, inventions incl Lune Valley boiler and burner using a paraffin burner and coiled tubes to maximise heating surface and minimise water required, thereby raising steam from cold in 5-10 minutes, also a gas gramophone, vehicle lamps, peristaltic pump, self-heating food tins, remote radio control, fishing reels, and a reversing rudder, dispensing with need for reversing gear, which was used by RN on small boats for many years, also designed elliptical wheel to help negotiate difficult terrain, lodged 175 Provisional  Patent Applications, of which 118 were completed, marr Sarah Isabel Garnett, daughter of John Garnett a Bowness nurseryman, (will of 9 July 1937) (papers in CRO, WDX 649, WD/PW/acc.1556; GASW, 64-65); died Lancaster Infirmary, cremated Blackpool; Paul Wilson [later Lord Wilson of Wray (qv)] wrote a paper for the Newcomen society on Kitchen

Kitchin [Kitchen], Robert (c.1531-1594), merchant and Mayor of Bristol, born in Kendal, ca.1531 [aged 63 in 1594], eldest son of Richard Kitchin, of Kendal (who was 2nd son of William Kitchin, of Hatfield, Herts, the eldest son John, of Pilling, Lancs, being the purchaser of Cockersand Abbey in 1543), and his wife Marian, dau of Samuel Lake, of whom little further is known, had younger brothers John, Matthew, Richard and Thomas, settled at Small Street, Bristol (where he entertained lavishly) by time he was sheriff in 1572, Alderman, and Mayor in 1588, reputed to be a ‘merchant of great wealth and unbounded liberality’, marr 1st Joan (decd), only dau and heir of John Sacheville, gent, of Bath, formerly of Bristol, 1 son (Abel, Mayor of Bristol 1612-13, died 1640) and 1 dau (Maryan (d.1583), wife of Matthew Havilland, Mayor of Bristol 1607), marr 2nd Justyne (who was left his house in Small Street in 1594), d. Meols Hall, Southport; will dated 19 June 1594 (numerous bequests to brothers, nephews and nieces, with residue to be disposed to ‘the best benefit and reliefe of the poore people within Bristoll and the Towne of Kendall in the Countie of Westmorland’, £120 being paid by his executors every six years, with £20 each year to be distributed ‘to four poor and needful persons inhabitants of the said borough and incorporation of Kirkbiekendall’ at rate of £5 each (BoR, 219), died 5 September 1594, aged 63, and buried at St Stephen’s church, Bristol; portrait in Council House, Bristol; other memorials in Bristol (CW2, xxix, 193-204)

Kitching, Elsie  (1870-1955), friend, colleague, companion and keeper of the flame of Charlotte Mason (qv), educated Jersey Ladies College, assisted CM at Bishop Otter College, Chichester, moved with her to Ambleside as her private secretary until 1923, lived after this for twenty years corresponding with educationalists about CM’s ideas, buried at Charlotte’s feet in Ambleside (her father could still safely ride on his tricycle until he was 95)

Kitching, Elizabeth, dau of John Kitching (qv) marr Thomson Bindloss, erected reading room at Milnthorpe in memory of her brother in 1881

Kitching, John (fl.1730), endowed Free School at Selside with Biggersbank estate in 1730 for education of all poor children of chapelry, and Cowper House, where he resided

Kitching, John (c.1796-1879) surgeon, son of Edward Kiching (Kitchin), surgeon, of Milnthorpe, and his wife Agnes, had sisters Agnes (born at Milnthorpe, 22 November 1802) and Elizabeth, who marr Thomson Bindloss (qv), and dau Agnes Sarah marr William Bindloss (qv), was of 61 South Audley Street, Grosvenor Square, London, before returning to his native Milnthorpe in 1830 where he practised for 30 years, died at Milnthorpe, 26 May 1879, aged 83, and buried at Heversham, 30 May; Hospital and Memorial Reading Rooms or Institute at Milnthorpe erected (Eli Cox as architect) in his memory by his dau (opened on 20 October 1881, controlled by Mrs Bindloss, but renamed the Milnthorpe Institute in September 1934 after the Bindloss trustees were bought out in May 1921) (CM, 270-272)

Kite, John (d.1537; ODNB), clergyman, educated Eton and Kings College Cambridge, prebend of Exeter and Salisbury, bishop of Armagh 1513-1521 and then Carlisle 1521-1537, present with Henry VIII at the Field of the Cloth of Gold 1520 when he met Francis I of France with four other bishops, corresponded with cardinal Wolsey; mss Rutland papers

Knagg, Richard, 18th cent clergyman, of Eskew Head, Tebay, famous for incomplete sermon given in Lunds church, following the disturbance of an ants’ nest

Kneale, Thomas Nigel (1922-2006), screenwriter, born in Barrow-in-Furness, father newspaper editor, family from Isle of Man, won British Film award for Best Screenplay in 2000, Somerset Maugham Award and two BAFTA nominations, mostly worked on thrillers and was the creator of Prof Bernard Quatermass, also on George Orwell, John Osborne and HG Wells; Guardian obit 2 novermber 2006

Knewstubb, Alfred (c.1880-1953), PASI, architect and surveyor, with practice at St Andrew’s Place/Chambers, Penrith (1921, 1938), marr Annie Mary (buried at Longmarton, 29 June 1963, aged 86), of Hill Crest, Longmarton, where he died, aged 73, and buried in Longmarton churchyard, 23 September 1953

Knewstubb, John (1544-1624), MA, BD, clergyman, born in Kirkby Stephen in 1544, nothing known of his parentage or youth, educ St John’s College, Cambridge (BA 1564, MA 1567, Fellow 1567, BD 1576), member of Puritan faction in university, preached against teaching of Family of Love sect, supporter of puritan doctrines, took part in Hampton Court Conference in 1604 as one of four spokesmen against conformity, Rector of Cockfield, Sussex from 1579, a fancied candidate for Master of St John’s in 1595 but failed to secure election, published sermons and religious works, established Exhibition at Kirkby Stephen Grammar School

Knight, Edward Frederick (1852-1925), barrister, soldier, war correspondent, son of Thomas Knight (d.1853) of Papcastle travelled in India en famille, ed Winchester and Caius Coll Cambridge, called to the bar from Lincoln’s Inn, abandoned the law for journalism, wrote for the Morning Post and the Times, in the Balkans during the Russo-Turkish war, sought treasure in Brazil, his book Sailing influenced the early experience of Arthur Ransome (qv) afloat, this title appears in the Swallows series, he covered Kitchener in the Sudan and in the Boer War he lost an arm, his books include The Cruise of the Falcon (1884), Sailing 1889, Knots and Tackles (1910); Hud (C); FL Bullard, Famous War Correspondents (1914)

Knight, William Angus (1836-1916) professor of Moral Philosophy St Andrews, 11 vol edition on Wordsworth life and work, bequeathed his books to Dove Cottage

Knipe family of Broughton Hall, Cartmel

Knipe, Anthony (d.1500), philanthropist, left money on his will for the restoration of Cartmel Fell church, the chapel of ease to Cartmel Priory; Pevsner and Hyde 275

Knipe, Isaac, MA, clerk, of Ambleside, wife Magdalen, eldest son John, 3 yr children (Isaac, Alice and Margaret), freehold property incl Middle Fairbank in Nether Staveley, Nether House in Longsleddale and 14 cattlegates in Patterdale (will dated 7 June 1785, CRO, WD/HW/8764)

Knipe, Tobias (fl.1739), agreed to sell Ulva in Meathop for £1,222 to Daniel Wilson, 9 November 1739 (CRO, WD/D/Ha/8)

Knipe, William, last of male line of Knipes of Broughton Hall, Cartmel, died in 1761

Knollys, Sir Francis PC (1511-1596; ODNB), statesman, attended Anne of Cleves on her arrival in 1539, married Catherine Cary, cousin of Elizabeth I, vice chamberlain of Elizabeth’s household, responsible for Mary Queen of Scots during her residence at Carlisle castle from May 1568, a duty shared with the 9th Baron Scrope of Bolton, on 13 July he moved with Mary to Bolton Castle and the queen endeavoured to keep on good terms with him, they then moved to Tutbury Castle on 20 January 1569, to the ‘protection’of the earl of Shrewsbury, Knollys left Tutbury on 3 February as his wife had died in London, in 1587 he urged the execution of Mary which was carried out on 8 February 1587

Knott, George (1743-1784), descended from stewards of Rydal estate, went to India and accumulated wealth, marr (1772) Catherine (died 6 March 1785, aged 32, and buried in chancel, 12 March), er dau of William Ford (qv), of Coniston Waterhead, 8 children (all bapt at Hawkshead, inc Edward Richard died 21 February 1784, infant, and buried in chancel), thereby acquiring Coniston Waterhead estate and nearly half share capital of Newland Co (increased to over half on death of his father in 1772), moved from Rydal to Coniston Waterhead and took over management of Newland Co, becoming George Knott & Co, though not experienced in iron industry,…….., died 4 January 1784, aged 40, and buried in chancel of Hawkshead church, 9 January (TWT, 26-27)

Knott, Michael (17xx-1772), agent for le Flemings of Rydal, marr Susannah, dau of Major Michael Fleming, of Rydal…….., joined Richard Ford (qv) as partner in..…AWL    (TWT, 26)

Knott, Michael, died 31 July 1834, will proved 3 March 1835 (CRO, WDX 745)

Knott, Thomas (16xx-1744), clergyman, curate of Ambleside 1699-1744, buried as ‘Minister’ at Ambleside, 20 December 1744

Knowles, Edward Hadarezer (c.1820-1899), MA, clergyman and college head, vicar of St Bees and principal of St Bees Theological College 1871-1895, died 20 August 1899, aged 79 (plaque in St Bees Priory Church)

Knowles, Thomas (18xx-19xx), MA, clergyman, educ Cambridge University, vicar of Christ Church, Penrith 1893-1905, succ by Revd James Fell (qv)

Knubley, Edward (1756-1815), DL, JP, politician, son of Edward Knubley, of Finglandrigg, Bowness-on-Solway, and his wife (marr 1748) Anne Stoddart, Collector of Customs at Whitehaven, Major in Whitehaven Artillery Volunteers, High Sheriff of Cumberland 1785, twice elected MP for Carlisle in 1786 byelection (as the Yellow candidate against Rowland Stephenson, the Blue) and in 1790 general election (with J C Satterthwaite as Yellow candidates against John Christian Curwen and Wilson Braddyll, the Blues (qqv)), but unseated on both occasions on petition, contested Carlisle again in general election of June 1796 (as Yellow candidate with Sir James Graham, but defeated by J C Curwen and Sir F Fletcher Vane, the Blues, who were confirmed on 2 March 1797 after appeal by Yellows)  (Mushroom elections, CW2, lxxxi, 115-118), marr, son (Edward Carr, qv) (CWMP, 393)

Knype family, built Rampside Hall (mid-late 17thc), this unusual building has twelve chimneys known as the ‘Twelve Apostles’, it was the tradition to have all twelve chimneys smoking on Christmas morning; Pevsner and Hyde, www.co-curate.ncl.co uk/rampsidehall

Knyvett, Thomas, Lord Knyvett (1545-1622), son of Sir Henry Knyvett of Charlton, Wilts and his wife Anne Pickering, dau of Sir Christopher Pickering of Killington , sold Moresby to William Fletcher 1577, his sister Alice married  1563 Christopher Dacre of Lanercost, before 1603 he was entrusted with several chests of jewels by Elizabeth I, in 1605 he was involved in the foiling of the Gunpowder Plot, he bequeathed money for the foundation of a school at Stanwell; Hud (C)

Koebner, Adolf (d.1999), DSc DPhil, chemist and inventor, son of Shmul Meier Max Koebner (1872-1947), lived at The Retreat, St Bees, worked for Albright and Wilson at Whitehaven, worked on the separation of aromatic compounds

Koop, HV (fl.mid 20thc), writer, published Broughton-in-Furness, its Church and Manor (1954)

Kovary, Dorothy [1914-2012], singer, businesswoman and holocaust survivor who was brought up in affluence in Vienna [Opus One] but fled before the holocaust, following a short period in Israel after the war settled in Workington [Opus Two] and later moved to Cockermouth where she opened a music shop wittily named ‘Opus Three’; Elizabeth Robinson, The Kremeners and Kovarys: a Saga from Austro-Hungary, 2018

Kray Brothers, Ronnie and Reggie, gangland leaders, regularly visited Kirklinton Hall in their private plane in the 1960s, sometimes they were accompanied by Barbara Windsor, the hall was the venue of the Borders Club, a night club, casino, gangsters’ gambling den and brothel, it was all very raffish, there were exotic dancers and big bands, it is said that local farmers gambled away whole estates, these high jinks ended c. 1971 when a fire destroyed much of the interior, the hall has been roofless since 1972